Sunday, September 28, 2008

How to Make an Internet Marketing Video

A good marketing video can be an excellent tool to drive traffic to a website or blog. A bad marketing video will simply be a waste of everyone's time that is involved, the creator of the video and the viewer. Simply throwing together a video is not enough to generate interest in your website. If your video is not well put together viewers won't even waste their time watching it. They will simply close it out and forget about you and your website. To avoid creating a video that gets you absolutely no where, you need to be aware of what not to do. Below, we will discuss how to create an internet marketing video that sucks. If you implement any of these "strategies" your video marketing efforts will likely fail.

1. Making A Video That is Too Long:* If your video is too long you will likely bore your viewers. Do your best to get to the point and give your viewers want they want. People are busy. They may not have an hour to listen to you go on and on about bird watching. Sure, if they are interested in the topic, they will be more willing to listen initially but a video that is really long will even bore the most hard core fan. Be as quick as you can while still getting your message across.

2. Using Bad Background Music:* Bad background music can cause people to turn down the volume on your video or close it out all together. No Christmas music if it isn't Christmas. Avoid other cheesy musical choices as well.

3. Using the "Drone" Voice":* Avoid using the drone voice. This is the voice with absolutely no inflection. This is the fastest way for your viewers to lose interest and find some more enjoyable activity to engage in. You don't need to sound like a story teller but try to sound at least a little bit interesting.

4. Using Only Plain Text:* Many people do not enjoy reading. That's probably the reason that they are watching your video instead of reading a book on the topic. Unless your video is really short, try to avoid only using black and white text. Instead, add some pictures or some moving shots. It will keep your viewer much more engaged.

5. Having Poor Audio Quality:* If the viewer can not hear what you are talking about because the sound quality is poor, you can bet that they won't stick around for long. Watch your videos before you promote them. This will give you an opportunity to determine if anything needs to be fixed before you send them out.
Need a quick and easy solution for driving targeted traffic to you website? Go here: Drive Traffic to My Website.

Scott Brooks is a successful internet marketer who has been working online since 2004. He has authored several popular ebooks and owns three membership sites.

Author : Scott